Beta KL:2022金榜榜单 — 最佳餐厅

Beta KL:2022金榜榜单 — 最佳餐厅


撰文:Fabian Ooi / 照片由Beta KL提供 - 16 January 2023

Beta KL餐厅坐落在市中心,邻近吉隆坡塔及KL Citywalk。 它是融入大马风格的现代欧洲餐厅 Skillet@163 第二家分店,距离其姐妹餐厅仅数百米,这间强调大马风味的独特精致料理餐厅,就藏身在 Cormar Suites 建筑内,一扇绿树成荫的门后。

Upon entering the Beta, modern design with Chinese - inspired architecture: a spectacular tower of red, black, and gold apothecary drawers, canisters, and jars rising out of vibrant jade tiles.Raymond Tham is the executive chef, co-founder, and co-owner of three restaurants: Skillet@163, Beta KL, and the newly-opened Burnt & Co.

Beta于希腊字母中排在第二位(Skillet大概是alpha),而在马来西亚,BETA是国王或苏丹的皇室称呼,意即“我”,也就是店名的由来。 Beta KL 诞生後,团队决定回归马来西亚的根源,把大家喜爱的小贩美食,注入现代风味。主厨Raymond与其团队希望借由料理,让食客有了全新的看法。

A dish inspired by Penang Prawn noddles with the sustainable concept. Prawn roulade with prawn head bisque and sous-vide egg yolk.

Beta KL 用餐是一次振奋的体验,厨房选用绝佳的本地食材,配上精美摆盘,餐单不含猪肉成分,并且以大马北、南、东、西等4个不同地区的食物为特色,带来全新定义的美食体验,体现出我国个别州属的标志性口味。 Beta KL 采用各种独特元素,带领食客踏上穿越大马各个角落的诱食之旅。 

One of these three ‘regions’ is the waiting area. One can experience the chill and easy-going ambiance.

Featuring guava in 3 ways. Slice, fermented guava granita, clarify guava broth serve with cured strip jack and fermented guava jelly. -Green Chili emulsion for the 0.00% yeast tapioca bread. /
 -Tanjung Malim caviar with local tuna croquette. /
 -Fermented Melaka pineapple skins granita with pineapple salad. / 
 -Pulau Ketam cuttlefish with banana and cocoa sambal.

如果您正在寻找真正的马来西亚美食,一顿饭就能把您带到全国各地,Beta KL绝对是正确的选择。除了用餐体验,这里还设有酒吧,让您愉快畅饮。这里不论约会、举办庆祝活动和团体聚会皆合适。

Frozen version of kuih Loyang from onde-once inspiration. Pandan and coconut with Gula Melaka caramel gel.Miyazaki Wagyu with layered yam and sambal hitam.

自您踏足Beta之后,旅程就开始了。富有魅力的服务员在讲解餐单前,会把客人领到等候区,气氛轻松愉悦。Beta KL含有2个随季节性变换的餐单供选择,包括Taste of Beta(6道料理)和Tour of Malaysia(9道料理)。同时,提供额外收费,搭配料理的调酒师鸡尾酒特调(3或4杯),与料理餐单类似,鸡尾酒单也从东、南、西、北马四地取得灵感。当您在等候区坐等之际,厨房会奉上第一轮小吃,来到第二轮小吃及甜点时,您会被带进餐厅,感受更暗淡、神秘的氛围。从开始到结束,餐厅里的每个人都待您如贵宾,主厨还会亲自向您阐述每道料理,详细历史介绍丶来源与烹饪手法。 

At the center of these three ‘regions’ are the circular bar and a layered staged drinking space perfect for events and people-watching corners.

把 Beta KL 列入您下一次必访之地,无疑会是一段值得纪念的美食旅程。

Beta KL
地址:Cormar Suites, No. 10, Jalan Perak 50450, Kuala Lumpur
脸书 betakualalumpur








由Entier French Dining主厨Masashi Horiuchi主导的Potager,再次将本土的在地食材推向高峰,而食物的味道与细节,更再次爲主厨对食物的热忱发言。